This week was such a great week. The sun came out in full force. In a city that infrequently experiences such heat, smiles seemed grander and most people were simply.....happy. I wish it could last, but alas, the rain returns tomorrow.
The short lived glory of the sun inspired some Spring shopping for me. Nothing as stunning though, as this Edie Parker clutch held (in the image above) by it's designer, Brett Heyman. If only......
Have a lovely weekend my friends. Enjoy Link Love:
1. IT'S A BIRD. IT'S A PLANE. Nope, it's grilled cheese. This Australian pop-up restaurant delivers it's food by parachute.
2. EMMA STONE. Love her. Watch this and you will too.
3. MUST SEE. Can not wait to see this movie.
4. CINCO DE MAYO. 10 margarita recipes for Monday's celebration.
5. J.CREW ON A BUDGET. Reports are out that suggest J.Crew may be designing a new, lesser expensive, line of clothing and stores -- under the name J.Crew Mercantile.
6. SONGS OF SUMMER. From the past 10 years. Listen here.